Isnt that xeMu??
refiners fire
JoinedPosts by refiners fire
Scientology has it right. Xenu owns you!
by agentseven ini'm new here, so i thought i would just post up a little "how do you do.
" pardon the subject - i was just trying to get your attention.
;) i'm a regular on usenet's alt.religion.jehovahs-witn, where google tells me i have posted up somewhere around 2570 posts since 1998:.
HillaryStep's Disassociation Topic
by IslandWoman inhillary,.
you said: "well, you have to admit it most da letters are boring".
i know your post was a spoof but i just wanted to say that many of us who chose da did so over life and death matters; what we thought was life with god or death with the slime that led the watchtower!!.
refiners fire
Was it like this?
Surf lapping on the beach. Moonlight filtering down. You looked into his eyes. Told him....and he knocked you back! -
Creative Disassociation
by hillary_step inwell, you have to admit it most da letters are boring.
especially so are the ones that contain 15-20 pages full of quotes from the golden age of march 15th 1917, or an obscure reference to a slip of the pen made by some overworked and knackered out member of writing.. lets be honest, most xjw's do not read past the first few paragraphs, but we all expect our letters will be read by the wts or its representatives, analysed and then responded to.
the reality is that they are rapidly scanned for 'juicy bits' and dumped into a bin marked, 'oh, god not another one!..
refiners fire
Mr Ben, did you make that up yourself?
If you did, stick around, we need witty people here. -
Kylishhlee is at Least a Sport
by Stephanus ini received an email from "her" (or is that "him"??
) in response to my post to her in this thread:
her reply: [email protected] nice.
refiners fire
It gives me an all warm, sloppy feeling in my gutty wuts when I see everybody bein nice to each other...gettin all teary now....
Creative Disassociation
by hillary_step inwell, you have to admit it most da letters are boring.
especially so are the ones that contain 15-20 pages full of quotes from the golden age of march 15th 1917, or an obscure reference to a slip of the pen made by some overworked and knackered out member of writing.. lets be honest, most xjw's do not read past the first few paragraphs, but we all expect our letters will be read by the wts or its representatives, analysed and then responded to.
the reality is that they are rapidly scanned for 'juicy bits' and dumped into a bin marked, 'oh, god not another one!..
refiners fire
Hey Hill.. you have 666 posts up.
How "free" is free will?
by Mr Ben in(slightly paraphrased from genesis).
1. you have the freedom to use your life to obey me or disobey me.. 2. but if you choose the latter, i will take away your life (and therefore the ability to choose).. how free is biblical free will really?.
religion n.. an organisation designed to promote atheism.
refiners fire
Ive said this at least twice before on this board but feel compelled to say it again.
Theres something fishy about that whole Garden of Eden thing.
God tested the humans.What does such a test prove?Why does God feel compelled to test?
Also, the test was in regard of Knowledge. God wanted to keep the humans in ignorance of certain things such as a knowledge of "good and evil. Once the humans had eaten, what did God say? "They have become like us".
Who is "US"?.This leads to Elohim, or plural God reasoning.
Enuff said.... -
What books have shaped your affected you?
by Eyebrow inin another post i mentioned job a comedy of justice by robert heinlien.
the responses to the post got me thinking about other books that have affected me.
what books have had an impact on your life?
refiners fire
"Refiners Fire" by John L Brooke.
"The True Believer" By Eric Hoffer.
"Hostage to the Devil" by Malachi Martin.
"Imperferct Company" by David Millikan.
"When Prophecy Fails" by Leon Festinger.
"Theory and practise of Communism" by R.N. Carew-Hunt.
"History of Western Philosophy" Bertrand Russell.
"Crucible of the Millenium" Michael Barkun.
And Orwells good old "1984".
Thats probably the major cult type books list. -
Yoda is Satan!!!!! The fundy farside part II
by expatbrit in
refiners fire
keep up the good work expat, these posts of yours have lots of nuts i can add to my links.
by You Know ina few days back i made a comment on the collapse of enron on this thread:
an excerpt from my post read: "enron is a classic example of the hollow and predatory nature of the so-called new economy, which some imagine to be a new and improved way to make money!
instead of actually producing gas and energy products, enron got into buying and selling futures sales of non-existent gas and electricity.
refiners fire
Im more inclined to think the "Iron and Clay" refers to alien hybrids interbreeding with humans, but If I have to choose Larouche as either iron or clay...lets is strong,reliable...the other shitty,
sloppy.... -
by You Know ina few days back i made a comment on the collapse of enron on this thread:
an excerpt from my post read: "enron is a classic example of the hollow and predatory nature of the so-called new economy, which some imagine to be a new and improved way to make money!
instead of actually producing gas and energy products, enron got into buying and selling futures sales of non-existent gas and electricity.
refiners fire
Good Lord!
You say:"The devil has to have a force to threaten those in power,in order to coerce them into doing unthinkable things'.By this explanation Mr Larouche is the tool of the DEVIL.
You say that Mr Larouches silk road is being used by the order to generate war in Eurasia.If that is so there are two options:
1) Larouche is in league with the war mongers.
2) Mr Larouche is their pawn and they are suckering him.Which is it??